Vision of the Graduate Workshop - Part 1 (virtual)

Vision of the Graduate | Public Schools (in the US)

"Designing the Vision of the Graduate"

Who should attend?
These two-day, comprehensive workshops are ideal for teams from public schools/districts to work collaboratively to understand the importance and implications of developing a Vision of the Graduate.
Important: These workshops are designed for public schools/districts located in the US only. If your school is located outside of the US, please search for events designated for international education.

Upcoming Dates / Registration

There are no upcoming sessions scheduled at this time. Check back soon for updates.

Interested in Part 2 of the workshop series? Check for upcoming Part 2 sessions.


2-day workshop
9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. ET (US)
(both days)
Format: Virtual
Platform: Zoom - links to join will be sent to registrants just prior to the training.

What will be explored?

Vision of the Graduate Workshop - Part 1: Designing the Vision of the Graduate
Designed for group participation, teams will work collaboratively in this workshop to understand the importance and implications of developing a Vision of the Graduate, create and/or revise their Vision, and start to understand the importance of authentic assessment for that Vision. Participants will conclude the workshop with valuable collaborative experiences and Vision documents to take back to their school communities for further feedback and implementation.

  • Day 1 - Intro to the Graduate Profile
    On the first day of the workshop we will explore what a Graduate Profile (Vision of the Graduate, Portrait of a Graduate) is and why it is an important shift for schools, districts, systems, etc. as well as what it means to situate the Graduate Profile as your organizing principle. Participants will brainstorm the skills they believe would be ideal for their graduates, then have an opportunity to check that brainstorm against quality criteria, ideate and revise again. Participants will leave with a draft prototype of a Vision of the Graduate as well as a plan to engage stakeholders in a vital input/feedback process in order to move toward a more finalized draft.
  • Day 2 - Defining Your Graduate Profile
    Once you have a draft of a Graduate Profile (Vision of the Graduate, Portrait of a Graduate) that includes larger skill categories, the next step is to define what you actually mean by those categories in the form of Performance Outcomes. During this session, we will clarify what Performance Outcomes are, determine the scope of the Outcomes that you are drafting (individual school, district-wide, etc.), and practice creating high quality Performance Outcomes for your Graduate Profile. This language will then be used to design shared assessment tools and much much more. Participants will leave with a much more fully defined set of skills for their Vision of the Graduate.

The workshop fee covers attendance and materials for a maximum of either 6 or 8 participants from one school or district:

  • $800.00 - maximum 6 participants from one school or district 
  • $1000.00 - maximum 8 participants from one school or district
More information

Go to to view more information about the Vision of the Graduate workshop series.